STREAM to Prepare a Child For Success

What do young children need to prepare them for success as adults? Our answer is STREAM: science, technology, religion, engineering, arts, and math. The combination of science, arts, and religion give children strong building blocks that help them become responsible adults who possess a strong educational background and a moral compass that points to Jesus. Here’s how these pieces work together to create a well-rounded education.

Science and Math

It isn’t uncommon to hear children ask the question “Why do I need to learn this?” This is especially true if children are more interested in the arts. Still, science, technology, engineering, and math classes are incredibly important. It’s these classes that train children to think critically and solve problems. This isn’t just useful for classes in school — these are the traits that will help children grasp opportunities and solve problems they face in life.


Societally, the arts have been portrayed as less important than science. The truth is art works alongside science. A strong foundation in art has shown to be associated with improved skills in math. Those who study the arts also see stronger reading, critical thinking, and communication skills. Art helps children build self-confidence and connect more deeply to the world.


Finally, religion is the glue that holds together everything children learn in class and teaches them how to apply it to the real world. This is what helps them apply these lessons for the greater good. By incorporating faith into the classroom, children learn how to follow in God’s footsteps. They build a strong moral foundation with Christ with faith as their guiding path. 

The STREAM model of education gives our students the foundation they need to succeed as adults. Balancing science and art with religion helps them to connect with others, think critically, solve problems, and deepen their understanding of their faith.

Deland private schools are part of a vibrant community that provides a safe, nurturing environment for students to grow in their faith and explore their talents. We are dedicated to academic excellence and challenge students to become creative, critical, and compassionate leaders. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.


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